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I want to be a businessman
I want to be a businessman
My father is a businessman.
He works for an international company. I have been to his office several times. I like it very much to be there.
My father is very busy. He often comes late from work. But I can see that he likes his job. And he always finds the time to spend with me and Mom. Sometimes he tells us about the difficult situations, which his company faces. It is so interesting to listen to him.
It seems to me that you need to have a very creative mind to be a businessman. My father is a friendly person and he is easy to talk to. I respect my father and I want to become a businessman too.
In the future I want to have a highly paid job. I want to travel abroad and meet different people. I think our country needs good businesspeople to strengthen its economy. After I finish school I'm going to enter the university and study marketing or management. I haven't decided yet exactly what I will study. Managers deal mainly with people. They study what is necessary to do so that people work better and feel happy with their jobs.
Marketing deals with market research and and commercial activity in general.
I still have time to think and choose.
Категория: Topics | Добавил: tanyamp (12.06.2010)
Просмотров: 2152 | Теги: I want to be a businessman | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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