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Косвенная речь
(Основные правила)
Если слова автора стоят в настоящем времени, то при изменении прямой речи в косвенную местоимения меняются по смыслу, а лич­ные формы глаголов согласуются с местоимением-подлежащим:
Таблица 1
Прямая речь
Косвенная речь
Не says, "This is a cat". 
He says that this is a cat.
Не says, "I do my room myself. .
He says that he does his room himself
She says, "Robin, I know your Daddy".
She says to Robin that she knows his Daddy.
Если слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени, то при изменении прямой речи в косвенную видо-временная форма меняется по таблице:
Таблица 2

Время прямой речи

Время косвенной речи

Present Indefinite/Simple Past Indefinite/Simple
Present Continuous/Progressive Past Continuous/Progressive
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous /Progressive Past Perfect Continuous /Progressive
Past Indefinite/Simple Past Perfect
Past Continuous/Progressive Past Perfect Continuous /Progressive
Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous /Progressive не изменяются
Future tenses Future-in-the-Past tenses
Иногда полезно использовать следующую таблицу:
Таблица 3

Форма глагола в прямой речи

Форма глагола в косвенной речи

am, is was
are  were
do, does did
did (+инфинитив) had (+Participle II)
have, has  had
shall should, would
was, were had been
will would
Примеры предложений:
Таблица 4
Прямая речь
Косвенная речь
She said, "I am a teacher".
She said that she was a teacher.
She said, "They are sitting".
She said that they were sitting.
She said, "Cathy has arrived".
She said that Cathy had arrived.
She said, "I have been cleaning my flat since early morning".
She said that she had been cleaning her flat since early morning.
She said, "I posted two letters".
She said that she had posted two letters.
She said, "I was washing my hair then".
She said that she had been washing her hair then.
She said, "Before I started to work I had graduated from the university".
She said that before she had started to work she had graduated from the university.
She said, "I shall come".
She said that she would come.


Таблица 5
Прямая речь  
Косвенная речь
had to
need, needs
have to/ has to
had to

Специальные вопросы

Специальный вопрос в косвенной речи оформляется следую­щим образом:
- используется прямой порядок слов;
- осуществляется замена местоимений и согласование глаголов;
- используется вопросительное слово из прямой речи;
- слово say/ tell заменяется на ask.
Таблица 6
Прямая речь
Косвенная речь
She said, "Why do you like your teacher, Ann?"
She asked Ann why she liked her teacher.
She said, "Where can they sit?"
She asked where they could sit.
She said, "When did Cathy arrive?"
She asked when Cathy had arrived.
She said, "What have children been cleaning since early morning?"
She asked what children had been cleaning since early morning.
She said, "Who has posted two letters?"
She asked who had posted two letters.
She said, "Who were they speaking about?"
She asked who they had been speaking about.
She said, "How could he open the safe?"
She asked how he could have opened the safe.
She said, "When shall I be free?"
She asked when she would be free.
Общий (альтернативный, разделительный) вопрос
Общий (альтернативный, разделительный) вопрос в косвен­ной речи оформляется следующим образом:
- используется прямой порядок слов;
- осуществляется замена местоимений и согласование глаголов;
- используется слово if перед началом передачи прямой речи;
- слово say/ tell заменяется на ask.
Сравни косвенный специальный и косвенный общий вопросы:
The cat is sitting on the sofa.
She asks where   the cat is sitting.
She asks if             the cat is sitting on the sofa.
Таблица 7

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

She says, "Do you like your teacher, Ann?" She asks Ann if she likes her teacher.
She says, "Will Jane go with me?"  She asks if Jane will go with her.
She says, "Can they play?" She asks if they can play.
She says, "Are my parents playing cards?" She asks if her parents are playing cards.
She said, "Has Dick posted two or three letters?" She asked if Dick had posted two or three letters.
She said, "Were they speaking about my new book?" She asked if they had been speaking about her new book.
She said, "The mistake can be corrected, can't it?" She asked if the mistake could be corrected.
В косвенных вопросах после if возможно использование будуще­го времени (в отличие от придаточных предложений условия, где после if будущее время не употребляется).
Если слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени, а в предложении встречаются определенные слова (см. Таблицу ниже), то они долж­ны быть изменены по таблице:
Таблица 8
В прямой речи
В косвенной речи
that day
that night
the next day, the following day
the day before, the previous day
the day after tomorrow
in two days
the day before yesterday
two days before

Просьбы, приказы, команды в косвенной речи

Просьбы, приказы, команды в косвенной речи оформляются сле­дующим образом:
- вместо глагола в повелительном наклонении ставится глагол в инфинитиве;
- глаголы say, tell и т.п. заменяются на ask, order, command, recommend и т.п.:
Не said, "Bring me a pearl". - He ordered to bring him a pearl.
He says, "Open the window, please!" - He asks to open the window.
He will say, "Turn to the right!" - He will command to turn to the right.
Есть некоторые выражения, способы трансформации которых сле­дует запомнить, так как они могут встречаться при пересказе текста (на экзамене) или в заданиях на трансформацию (в тестах):
Таблица 9
В прямой речи
В косвенной речи
to excuse
to beg pardon
to be sorry
to apologize
to tell to come
to invite
to say yes
to agree, to confirm
to say no
to disagree, to refuse, to deny
to say hello
to greet
to say good-bye
to bid farewell
Можно так же использовать глаголы to continue, to go on, to add, to explain, to pronounce, to cry, to shout и т.п.
Если передают слова, которые являются абсолютной истиной, то время может не изменяться:
Таблица 10

В прямой речи

В косвенной речи

Не said, "The Earth is round". He said, that the Earth is round.
She said, "Are apples fruit?"  She asked if apples are fruit.


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